Speaker Bio

Mr. Abdulrahman A. Al-Friah
General Manager, CERT-SA, Saudi Arabia
Abdulrahman A. Al-Friah has around 22 years of experience in the Information Technology/Information Security field. Currently, he is the General Manager of CERT-SA in the Communication and Information Technology Commission (CITC). Before joining CITC, he was the CIO Senior Manager for Middle East and Africa in Lucent Technologies Inc., then he moved to join CITC in the information technology department. He participated in the development of many national initiatives, projects and programs such as the National Communication and Information Technology Plan - NCITP, Revision of Saudi Arabia Cybercrime Law, E-Transaction Law and Bylaws, development of CITC IT services, CITC strategy plan, and many more.
In 2007, he assumed the responsibility of CERT-SA General Manager in CITC and was assigned to administrate the design, development, and implementation of the national project “Building and developing CERT-SA”. During which, He was cofounder of regional and regional I.S. centers such as GCC-CERT, OIC-CERT development of an Arab League CERTs.