Speaker Bio

Mr. Mohamed Naoufel Frikha
Director General of the National Agency for Computer Security, Tunis CERT, Tunis
Director General of the National Agency for Computer Security, 45;
Computer Engineer graduated from the Tunisien University:
Having participated in the founding of the National Computer Security Agency and piloting phases of creation TunCERT and its membership in FIRST ; and the establishment of relations with CERT members of the OIC-CERT organization. He participated in the preparation of the National Strategy of Information Security and its Action Plan (2003 - 2011.2013)
He accompanied and assisted the implementation of several national projects : Madania1, Madania 2, Amen ...
IT was a member of the steering committee of the relative Back-up center of National Informatics Centre and assured interventions on the occasion of several events organized by International and Regional ITU AICTO, CNUCUD ... and national events.