Mr. Andi Yusuf

Director of Cybersecurity Operation National Cyber and Crypto Agency – Indonesia

Andi Yusuf is the Director of Cybersecurity Operation, under National Cyber and Crypto Agency, Indonesia. He holds a master degree in Electrical Engineering from University of Indonesia. During his 20 years of career, he has been experienced working in many fields within the agency and had the opportunity to be involved in several national security operations. Additionally, Andi Yusuf is also an active researcher that have been published a numerous of papers in cryptography and cybersecurity, and presented them in various national and international conferences.
His interest in the ICT security field is including on Block-Stream Algorithm, Block-Cipher Analysis & Design, Linear Cryptanalysis on Block-Cipher Attack, Microcontroller Modul on Cryptography Application, Secured Application for Public, FPGA for Crypto Engine, and many computer programming languages.