Mr. Rob Floodeen

FIRST Expert

Rob is a Partner in the CyXcel team and has worked across federal, defence, and commercial operations. Highlights from his cybersecurity career include Pentagon IR team lead, member of CERT/CC, manager of a DoD agency CERT, Technical Advisor to the Director of the SEI managing the FFRDC contract, proactive services lead for PwC, and EMEA director of incident response services at Dell Secureworks. Rob has engaged in the security community through FIRST as the Program Chair, Membership Chair, and Education & Training Chair. He was the editor for ISO 27035:2016 Incident Management and has delivered dozens of DFIR technical and academic courses as an Adjunct Professor at Carnegie Mellon University and as a Visiting Scientist at the Software Engineering Institute, CMU. He holds a BS and MS in computer science and an MBA.