Speaker Bio

HE. Tahir AL Amri
Chief Executive Officer of Central Bank of Oman (CBO), Oman
The Executive President is the Chief Executive of the Bank and is responsible for providing an overall leadership, direction and control to the bank for maximizing the fulfillment of its mission, goals, and objectives. Prior to his current role, H.E. Tahir bin Salim bin Abdullah Al Amri has been the Deputy CEO, Oman Investment & Finance Co; Director General of Budget & Contracts, Ministry of Finance, Oman; Director General of Treasury & Accounts, Ministry of Finance, Oman; Head of the Office of His Excellency the Minister of National Economy & Supervisor of Ministry of Finance, Oman; Director of the Gas Revenue Department, Ministry of Finance, Oman to name a few. H.E. is an experienced treasury and finance professional with demonstrated successful track record in all aspects of treasury and finance functions.
Boards and Memberships:
- Chairman of the National Committee for Combating Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing
- Chairman of the Joint Committee for Financial Stability
- Member of the Board of Directors of the Financial Services Authority
- Member of the E-Defense Committee
- Member of the National Competitiveness Committee
- Chairman of the Audit and Risk Committee of the Financial Services Authority