Speaker Bio

Eng. Rouda Alamir Ali
Programme Officer, ITU Regional Office for the Arab States, Egypt
Graduated from Faculty of Engineering - Damascus University – Electronical Engineering Section, Rouda has 20+ years extensive experience in diverse areas within ICT such as Policies, Regulations, Internet Governance and Cybersecurity with solid Vendor and Operator background. The past 9 years are spent in working with the International Organizations, mainly United Nations.
Rouda Joined the International Telecommunication Union in 2010, she is currently holding the position of Program Officer – ITU Regional Office for the Arab States - which focuses on promoting the equitable and sustainable development of ICT networks and services for the Arab countries. Since then, she has been involved in many key projects, events and programmes in the area of ICT Development in the Arab region. She is the focal point of the ITU cybersecurity initiative and all its related activities in the Arab region including the ITU Child Online Protection (COP) Initiative.
Prior to joining ITU, Rouda has worked for the UN-ESCWA as an ICT Officer and drafted the publication on Internet Governance: Challenges & Opportunities in the Arab region.
Rouda’s previous experience acted as the Head of Virtual Private Network Development in Syrian Telecommunications Establishment as well as Director of the Public Data Network which was responsible for the data backbone and its services in Syria. She had participated in the development of the Syrian backbone from the first early days with successful record of accomplishment and achievements.