Speaker Bio

Mr. Nouri Othman
Network Security Engineer – Telecommunication Regulatory Authority, UAE
Eng. Nouri Othman Agha is a Threat Intelligence Operation Center Analyst at the UAE Nation Computer Emergency Response Team (aeCERT). With over nine years’ experience in information Security, Eng. Nouri, is also a Network Security Engineer and Awareness Specialist in aeCERT.
Nouri, worked at Telecommunication Regulatory Authority (TRA), under the Arab Emirates Computer Engineering Response Team (aeCERT), as Network Security Engineer and Security awareness Specialist, Nouri started in the early stages of aeCERT. The United Arab Emirates Computer Emergency Response Team (aeCERT) is the cyber security coordination center in the UAE. It is established by the Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA) as an initiative to facilitate the detection, prevention and response of cyber security incidents on the Internet. Latest project was migrating from old building to the new building which is located in Al Memzar area.
Nouri, worked as an Threat Intelligence Operation Center Analyst, then moved to the infrastructure team as a Network Security Engineer, and worked on the migration project from the old building located in Emaar business square in Dubai, to the permanent building in al Memzar Area. Now, Nouri is part of the aeCERT awareness team and Business Affairs, where this unit looks after the aeCERT participation national and international adding to it the aeCERT events in the UAE, beside the above this units looks after the need of the team and all requests comes from the constituents and others.
Prior to joining aeCERT, Nouri was working as an Application and Network Security Specialist at Dubai Holding at the CIO office, where he handled the firewall configurations and network security applications to monitor devices connected across Dubai Holding.
On the other hand, Nouri is running as the Director of Operation in his private media and Advertising Company, which is having an event division, which Nouri is running the operations side of this company. Nouri, hold a bachelor in Electronics and Computer System Engineering, BSc from Plymouth University in UK.